About Us

Welcome! We started WaterSportsATX after falling in love with paddle boarding on Lady Bird Lake in Austin, Texas. The beautiful views, the music, and good old fun in the sun brings us back on the lake time and time again. Yet there was one issue... We did not own paddleboards our ourselves and the reason was they are too fricken expensive!!! I was hesitant to pay between $500 to $2000 on a paddleboard when I could simply pay $20 an hour on a rental. Problem solved? NO! Come to find out the beautiful days I wanted to be on the water so did all the tourists! There are lines at every rental spot on the lake and I've waited hours in line for a board. After waiting in lines and paying for rentals for years and years I came to realize I could have bought a paddleboard 10x over by now. After that moment I realized there has to be a solution to this. So I have researched endlessly looking for paddleboards made of High Quality materials that are also Affordable. We started our business hoping to help people get out on the water without breaking the bank. Thank you for taking the time to read this and supporting Austin local business!